Fight Ransomware With A Worthless Computer

Fight Ransomware With A Worthless Computer

Fight Ransomware With A Worthless Computer

Ransomware attacks are not new, but there has definitely been a recent surge in occurrences. Even as I write this blog, another huge attack has taken down several large companies across the globe! The monetary losses have been calculated in the billions, but for some people the data that was lost is priceless. The situation can be devastating for both businesses and individuals. While effective use of virus scanning software and religiously applying the latest security updates are good practices, they don’t guarantee your safety. If somehow, something slips by those layers of protection, are you prepared? I had the

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A Survivor’s Guide to Cloud Outages

A Survivor’s Guide to Cloud Outages

When it comes to hosting cloud services, there is one ever-present worry.  Will the cloud go down?  It’s bound to happen at some point although it should be a very rare occurrence.  In the current high tech world of service uptime agreements that range from 99.9% uptime all the way up to 99.999% uptime, reaction to cloud outages is critical.  The way you react can mean the difference between a graceful recovery or highly upset customers.  There is no way to positively say that an outage will never occur.  So let’s discuss how the situation could be handled so that

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Your Company Should Not Fear The Cloud

Your Company Should Not Fear The Cloud

Okay, I get it. The cloud can be scary for any business. It’s a huge leap in how its infrastructure, data, and mission-critical assets are managed. Not to mention, the IT practices that are currently in place at many companies have been around for several years. Tested and refined over time and evolved into systems that help IT professionals feel safe when it comes to their infrastructure. However, once you start to investigate the barriers that prevent companies from moving to the cloud, you’ll find that most of the perceived hurdles are not really problems at all. What, someone else

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Internet Bandwidth – The New Bottleneck

Internet Bandwidth – The New Bottleneck

Since the very beginning of computers, bottlenecks developed. After one part of the system was made faster, another component could no longer keep up. Throughout the years this has mainly been a battle between the CPU, memory, and hard disk. However, now that more and more applications have moved to the cloud, a new bottleneck has emerged – internet bandwidth. ​ Video games were one of my very first uses for computers when I was a kid. A trivial pursuit, however, it quickly taught me an important lesson about computing. Once one bottleneck is removed, a new one will always

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Will Your Cloud Be Ready When Opportunity Knocks?

Will Your Cloud Be Ready When Opportunity Knocks?

Real cloud computing is more than just a virtual machine running in a remote data center somewhere. Cloud computing should allow applications to scale and give the perception of infinite resources. When cloud applications fail to scale, that means a business opportunity is lost and money is left on the table. ​ ​Time is money. This holds true for many reasons in a cloud infrastructure and scalability is the answer. When client requests surge, every request that a cloud infrastructure cannot accept is a loss in revenue. It’s not only a lost opportunity, but sometimes it results in a poor

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Agile Cloud Apps Create Rapid Deployment

Agile Cloud Apps Create Rapid Deployment

Software Engineers Now Design For The Cloud Whenever cloud is mentioned, usually it is discussed in terms of the consumer’s benefits. Cloud applications allow end users access their data anywhere, collaborate more effectively, and so on. However, the cloud is seldom promoted for what it can do for an engineering organization. Gone are the troublesome, old days of trying to figure out what features are going to fit into a release. No more worrying about slipping a date and not shipping valuable features that clients want and need because of one unrelated bug. Once software engineering organizations embrace the cloud,

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