Exceptional Skills Do Not Make Exceptional Hires

Exceptional Skills Do Not Make Exceptional Hires

Exceptional Skills Do Not Make Exceptional Hires

Unfortunately, it still seems personality is not given as much consideration as skill set when hiring new team members. More often, the candidate’s character and attitude are secondary to their intelligence. However, even the smartest person can be a catastrophically toxic team member. After reviewing the most exceptional members of my team, personality and attitude stood out – not skill set. When building a team while trying to maintain an exceptional work culture, a candidate’s personality is key and can even outway any other skills they possess. Humility is of paramount importance. The smartest person in the room is not

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A Title Does Not Make a Leader

A Title Does Not Make a Leader

The first misstep many new managers make is they believe their new title gives them the ability to lead. They feel that because they are the manager, they are a leader that others should follow – sometimes without question. While the title does give the manager authority, it doesn’t guarantee that people will follow. In some cases, a good leader can demonstrate leadership characteristics long before they are given an official leadership position. So, what distinguishes someone who just holds a title from a great leader? For starters, you are not a leader just because you are an expert. Let’s

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