Bitcoin Technologies Will Change The World

Month: August 2017

Bitcoin Technologies Will Change The World

Bitcoin Technologies Will Change The World

Recently, there has been massive speculation around cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is in the news on a daily basis and even people with little technical knowledge have started participating in the discussion. While these newly created currencies are fascinating, it’s much more interesting to explore the underlying technology – blockchain. Blockchain has the potential to change many more aspects of our lives outside of how we exchange money. From real estate to automobiles, crime scene evidence to designer goods, we are just starting to realize the true impact this technology can have. Before we go any further, let me provide a very high

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Exceptional Skills Do Not Make Exceptional Hires

Exceptional Skills Do Not Make Exceptional Hires

Unfortunately, it still seems personality is not given as much consideration as skill set when hiring new team members. More often, the candidate’s character and attitude are secondary to their intelligence. However, even the smartest person can be a catastrophically toxic team member. After reviewing the most exceptional members of my team, personality and attitude stood out – not skill set. When building a team while trying to maintain an exceptional work culture, a candidate’s personality is key and can even outway any other skills they possess. Humility is of paramount importance. The smartest person in the room is not

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