Bitcoin Technologies Will Change The World

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Bitcoin Technologies Will Change The World

Bitcoin Technologies Will Change The World

Recently, there has been massive speculation around cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is in the news on a daily basis and even people with little technical knowledge have started participating in the discussion. While these newly created currencies are fascinating, it’s much more interesting to explore the underlying technology – blockchain. Blockchain has the potential to change many more aspects of our lives outside of how we exchange money. From real estate to automobiles, crime scene evidence to designer goods, we are just starting to realize the true impact this technology can have. Before we go any further, let me provide a very high

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Fight Ransomware With A Worthless Computer

Fight Ransomware With A Worthless Computer

Ransomware attacks are not new, but there has definitely been a recent surge in occurrences. Even as I write this blog, another huge attack has taken down several large companies across the globe! The monetary losses have been calculated in the billions, but for some people the data that was lost is priceless. The situation can be devastating for both businesses and individuals. While effective use of virus scanning software and religiously applying the latest security updates are good practices, they don’t guarantee your safety. If somehow, something slips by those layers of protection, are you prepared? I had the

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