What You Should Know About Moore’s Law

What You Should Know About Moore’s Law

What You Should Know About Moore’s Law

Moore’s Law was created by one of the most important trailblazers in electronics and computing, but do you even know Moore’s first name? Most people working in technology are familiar with Moore’s Law. It predicts a doubling in computing power every eighteen months by doubling the amount of transistors that can be created on a silicon wafer. However, Moore’s other history changing contributions often go unrecognized. Gordon Moore grew up in a tiny town called Pescadero, which is just a few miles from today’s well known Silicon Valley. From an early age, Gordon was interested in chemistry and chemical reactions.

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Secrets of Team Building and Creating Unrivaled Culture

Secrets of Team Building and Creating Unrivaled Culture

“Work Rules!” by Lazlo Bock is a must read book for anyone trying to build a team while maintaining a magnetic company culture.  Very often, I will look towards successful software companies to establish a pattern of practices that I can follow in my daily business.  This book offers a unique insider’s account of how Google built its now iconic culture.  Lazlo, who was the Vice President of People Operations until 2016, gives detailed accounts of how they managed to maintain a fair and fun working environment while also dramatically increasing their employee headcount. From hiring strategies to retention strategies, this

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